Engineering Data

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Product submittals are available upon request for the following categories: (click here to request submittal information)

  • SW / DW Spiral Ductwork
  • SW / DW Oval Ductwork
  • PCD Underground and Fume
  • SW / DW Rectangle Ductwork

Product Catalog

We currently have catalogs covering the following categories: (click here to request Product Catalogs)

  • PCD Ductwork Catalog
  • Our Complete Ductwork Catalog
  • Spiral / Oval Condensed Ductwork Catalog

The catalogs are available in PDF format but can be provided in a spiral bound booklet which is very good for field use. We do have a 3-ring Catalog for your Engineering use. Please complete the information form to request a catalog.

Order Forms

Orders can be taken from your paperwork or use our pre-printed forms to make it easy for you to collect and specify the ductwork needed. We have forms specifically made for Spiral/Oval or Rectangle ductwork. (Click here to request order forms)

SMACNA Pressure Class Charts

We maintain current SMACNA duct construction reference books. (Click here to submit a request.)

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